Fate Of the Known Universe Wiki

Transwarp Conduit Drive


ships in Transwarp Corridor

Prerequisites: Warp Drive, Transwarp Conduit Theory, Tachyon Field, Deflector Shield.
Research Cost: Pending
This type of transwarp drive utilizes a combination of the traditional warp drive, navigational deflector and deflector shields as its components. The ship is taken to warp to generate the initial required large subspace field. The navigational deflector was modified to use a tachyon matrix within it to emit tachyon field on a high-energy band. The deflector shield of the ship is used to emit the tachyon field into space at the resonant transwarp frequency level. The subspace field of the transwarp conduit then formed in front of the ship.
Game Notes
Allows Transwarp Conduit Drive Starship Component to be added to Starship designs.
